Big weekend for events in Davis Square

Davis Square HONK FestivalOne of the things I love about living in Somerville is how supportive of local events the city is. It takes a lot of planning and resources to support a big event happening in a public space, and they don’t seem to bat an eyelash at it. ArtBeat, Fluff Fest, HONK, Oktoberfest, the zombie march… there are tons of community festivals that get organized in Davis Square and Union Square each year.

This weekend Davis Square hosted HONK!, an annual gathering of “activist street bands”, on Saturday — about 60 performances spread across 7 stages in the Davis Square area. Statue Park, the plaza in the center of Davis, was packed for most of the day. Then on Sunday, Davis hosted Oktoberfest — lots of beer, food, and fun outdoors.

I had a good time at HONK! on Saturday, but went out to Harvard Square for Oktoberfest. Cambridge is also a festival-filled city, but the support comes more from Harvard Square’s excellent business association. Every event from Mayfair to Oktoberfest fills the streets around the square with vendor booths, in a pretty much unbroken string between stages.

If you missed the fun this weekend, there’s more to come. SomerStreets Fall Festival is happening October 23rd, from Union Square to Porter Square.